After our first failed attempt at climbing Mt. Williamson the previous weekend, we decided to take another shot at it. This time we were ready for the bad snow conditions and got an earlier start in the morning. That seemed to help a little. Again, we camped at about 10,000 ft and made our try for the top the next morning. And again, the weather turned bad. We made it up to about the same spot as the previous weekend and turned around again.

A shot of Mt. Williamson on our way to the trail head.

Brooke standing at the top of the notch after climbing up the chimney.

Looking up towards camp. This is starting to look familiar now...

Brooke steadily climbing up the drainage.

After making it up to the top of the headwall, a storm moved in. We sat up there for an hour waiting for it to stop snowing on us and clear up. It never did, so we headed back down and packed up camp. Looks like we'll have to come back again...

It snowed pretty hard for a couple hours, then started to clear up on our way down.

At least we got to glissade down a ways. Until the snow got too soft anyway.

Storm clouds over Owens Valley on our way back down ot the car.